Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Today the students had their Social Studies test.  There are a couple of students who need to finish tomorrow and then the test will be handed back next week.  In writing, we talked about adjectives, what are they, what are some examples, etc. After, we had to look in our writing and find places to add adjectives, to be more descriptive.  In math, we talked about patterns in numbers from the Youcubed lessons. Today we also had an author, Marc Tyler Nobleman, present to us some of his work.  It was an amazing assembly!


  1. Tell Ezra his dad says hello and to post an example of an adjective for the parents. We forget.

    1. Hi dad and a example of an adjective is "fluffy" and remember Michigan state always wins ! bye dad love you
